Tuesday 16 June 2020

Ponmagal Vandhal"A good movie is defined as the one which has impact on the viewer"

Cast: Directors who ruled till the 90s(or ever later) have been a backbone of the film be it Mr.R. Parthiban or Mr. Prathap K Pothen or Mr. K. Bhagyaraj or  Mr. Padiyarajan or Mr.Thiyagarajan.
It feels good to see all of them together under a single roof.
Jothika has given justice to her role.Her expressiveness is a major + for the dialogues because it makes the audience get the vibes of every single syllable that is uttered.
Every actor in the film have played their role to their level best. Special mention to actress Vinodini who has the capacity to make the audience turn towards her with her dialogue delivery. 
Story wise it might be an usual one. But screenplay has made it set a bench mark. It's a must watch courtroom drama. Parthiban and his Tamil is inseparable. Lighting and sounds have been on dot and makes us get deep into the scenes Though there is a little disappointment that one or two impactful dialogues could have been rendered a little louder, but on the whole the dialogues are so GOOD that you will never feel bored or we can find no extra unnecessary dialogues. Every frame counts and one needs to watch the movie with full attention. Any woman can relate herself with the content and any parent can feel the fear. Mother sentiment has been playing a major role in the story. There are so many lessons for life that is taught to us in a very simple way. Sepcial mention to the costumes. Though they may look simple, there is no obscenity in the entire film which is commendable and colours used grabs the attention. There are many twists in the film since the very beginning. Though Climax is a little surprising and confusing it does have a major twist which is unexpected. I personally felt it would have been great had Parthiban rendered some more impactful dialogues with his versatility in the last scene at the Court. Ponmagal vandhal as the title says is dedicated to every woman who is a warrior and fighting with her own life.
“Ponmagal Vanthal” which was recently released in Amazon Prime can be wrapped in a simple way as “a decent one-time watch movie”. To make a profound analysis would definitely take us to the point that it’s the same old wine in the new bottle. Being a thriller movie, it started off with a good kick and had its creepy nature during the first half. The concept was really good and it had a moral lesson driving to our homes about bringing up kids amidst the gender divide we have in our society. The movie is an eye opener to the  surging number of rape cases and sexual assaults and child abuses . The social divide within the structure of our society where those in the creamy layers often walk free following a crime has been highlighted throughout the movie. The movie had genuine foundation with this particular theme and it keeps you engaged till the end. However, being a mystery, it fails to tackle the eeriness it could have created in a deeper way. The storyline is highly predictable and the conceptualisation of the theme could have been presented in a better way. The movie excels in its cinematography and the scenic beauty of Ooty has been captured in its true essence. Jyotika the veteran artist has done a remarkable part. All the others too have done their own part in the most beautiful way. In a nutshell, the movie is worth a watch for a spectator who stays in front of the screen without much expectation. But as for me, being a regular movie goer and a fan of mystery thrillers, the linear story track and the lack of unpredictable twists curbed my enthusiasm as I could very well comprehend  what might happen next. Though a thriller, it will not put you at the edge of your seat just like the movie “Ratchasan”. This is decently done for a one time watch. Though there is nothing great about the movie, it’s highly recommended as a good watch for pure entertainment. The final message conveyed stands out as we should give more importance to the ways in which we bring up a boy rather than a girl because it is always the guy who creates more havocs in society through rapes, sexual abuses and associated assaults.
It indeed gives a heavy heart for any parent , beyond any doubts. What was more touching and depressing was the real statistics of child abuse and rape cases in TN which was showcased at the end of the movie.
It's a must watch for parents and Youngsters. Truth Triumphs ( you will understand if you have watched the film)
Bt knight reviews

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